Dec. 10, 2021

26 - The Art of Over Delivery

26 - The Art of Over Delivery

In this episode of Next Level Living, we discuss what it means to over deliver in not one, but every aspect of your life. We also dive into removing pride out of your life for the bigger purpose that you were called or “burning” to walk in. Be prepared to understand what goes into truly turning your life around for the better.

⁃ 13:30 - Process of over-delivering.

⁃ 19:20 - How can you dominate in every space you’re in? Ask yourself is your heart fully in the presentation and value being provided.

⁃ 25:56 - When we get to a point of having no more pride or feeling of embarrassment, it is then we are truly moving toward living a different life.

⁃ 29:40 - “If we take the advice of people who don’t share our vision we can forfeit our purpose.” We often look for support before starting ventures in our life but forget the burning desire to be better is the ultimate support.

⁃ 38:30 - Create an environment where you can operate under regulations you created.

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